Merry X'mas! Pizza, Cola and Secret Santa. So happy to have Gift Exchange at Plustek.
GIft, GifT, GiFt. It's Awesome! Mine is "MObile Ashtray". Haha ^^ And my Secret Santa is Milton. Probably he thinks that I love to exercise and concerns Green Global Issues, so it's the WANT what I need! It's a Warning ~ Not encourage me to SMOke. I know, I KNow, Yep, we all know it's Poison. Doesn't matter with Green Global issue.
Thanks for Veronica to invite all to join the Secret Santa. See the photos that we all enjoy, and it's really SO FUn!
Merry Xmas
Tonite Mouse3 came to have dinner so I got her X'mas Gift. "Special Made" ~ Golden Mouse Bookmarker!! And I gave her a Lovely Card that has a snow man with a Big Red nose. Wish her to look for a Right Monkey!!
JUst BOok la ~~"
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