沒啥腦袋ㄉ在轉動一些是是而非, 這些天整ㄍ不見陽光露臉, 陰濛濛, 灰沉沉ㄉ色彩罩頂, 是小布最不喜歡ㄉ氣息 ...
總是想著 ...
春天, 就該有五顏六色ㄉ花朵綻放;
沒啥腦袋ㄉ在轉動一些是是而非, 這些天整ㄍ不見陽光露臉, 陰濛濛, 灰沉沉ㄉ色彩罩頂, 是小布最不喜歡ㄉ氣息 ...
總是想著 ...
春天, 就該有五顏六色ㄉ花朵綻放;
can't believe it!! The ringing woke me up, and she said "he's GOne?!"
whAT ...? I don't understand its meaning. don't be kidding me ... so Shock!
I can't remember when we met last time?
不是件容易ㄉ事 ~ 很認真ㄉ看著鏡面反射出ㄉ小小布, 心底默默滴咕著 ...
"如果這ㄍ能夠達陣, 堅持到底, 那一件事才有下文可言?!"
這喃喃自語在最後是真ㄉ做到ㄌ, 可另一件事ㄋ?
很沒用ㄉ, 亂搞一通! 是不是因為早就根深柢固ㄉ認為 "沒能做好",
也因此很輕易ㄉ承認不足, 最終仍是放棄?!
"Say Yes" is the final track of Elliott Smith's 1997 album, and one of three tracks from that was used in the soundtrack of Good Will Hunting.
"Say Yes" is one of Smith's widely recognized songs. It is happy and optimistic in both instrumentation and lyrics, which contrasts with the dark tone in most of his other songs. In an interview, Smith said that the song was written about "someone particular and I almost never do that. I was really in love with someone."
Smith performed the song often, even during full band shows, in which he would play the song solo on an acoustic guitar. "Say Yes" was the last original composition that he ever played live.
"Say Yes" has been covered by Death Cab for Cutie. It was also covered in an episode of One Tree Hill, when Bryan Greenburg sings to his daughter Jenny.
Say Yes