布小小 ~~"

雖然照片拍ㄉ很恐怖!! ㄟ ... 小布ㄉ意思是說 "這幾年拍照都不真, 心不知道飛哪ㄦ去, 那ㄍ臉就是怎ㄇ看怎ㄇ怪!!" 可不是指拍照ㄉ人技術差ㄛ!

感謝Cathyㄉ單眼功力! 有ㄌ數位相機後, 好久沒看到這底片拍ㄉ, 所以小布真ㄉ給它一整ㄍ感動 ~ 單眼ㄝ! 下次換小布來玩, 也給它很久沒玩單眼相機ㄌ!

話說在淡大ㄉ時候, 小布ㄉ攝影課還是高分飛過去ㄉㄝ, 暗房小布老是玩ㄉ High 過頭! 可惜啦 ~ 小布沒能持之以恆ㄚ!

記得, 那時小布超喜歡玩單眼, Model 二話不說, 當然是 ~ 小布可愛ㄉ姪子 "ㄚ皮", 還有當時ㄍㄚˋㄉ男友!

小布ㄉ二哥也是玩相機ㄉ, 所以 ~ 小布不單單在淡水河岸拍, 在八里左岸拍, 在國立藝術學院山頭拍, 甚至還給它跑到對面觀音山上ㄉ夜總會, 爬到人家屋頂梁柱上, 直接站在人刀處頂, 往河口取景, 往對岸取景 ~ 拍夕陽, 拍潮汐, 拍淡水景致 ...

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就先掉幾滴淚, 把一整ㄍ情緒發洩ㄅ!

無解ㄉ事, 不要再去強求試圖轉變, 百億種ㄉ實驗仍不見得能夠找到解答, 為何還要抱持希望ㄋ?! 落得現下這 "難過抹淚ㄉㄚ笨下場"!!

呵呵 ~~" 一早給它衝去台大醫院, 現場掛號, 等足三ㄍ小時, 醫生診治令小布深陷覺然!!

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最近心情多變化, 小心掃到瘋颱尾!

圍圄ㄉ圈限 ~~" 不敢有夢, 不願做夢 ...

夾克說 "不要這麼ㄍㄧㄥ! 不要太壓抑?!"

小布納悶 "會ㄇ? 只是不喜歡造成人家ㄉ困擾, 雖然知道說ㄌ, 不見得會是困擾, 更甚者可能是種娛樂人家ㄉ八卦. ~~" 可 ... 這是小布變態ㄉ地方ㄅ".

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Across Happy New Year 2009, no stop working for 2 weeks make me feel exhausted coz of no exercise when back home every night! My muscles stretch taut even though I attended Jazz lesson last night. All my BOdy & Soul shout and yell "NEEd a Rest"! GOd, it's JUst THursday, still 2days working remain. WHat the hell do I have to keep GOing for $$$?!
Hey! think One thing put behind me that I totally forgot the meeting I call for the coming yearly across-department coordination. BUllShit, so busy these days to get problem solutions for new & old products and check stocks for price making ... Let me forget all the mess! Please Chinese NEw Year coming sooner!
Well, "mAke It HAppen" means "try IT and do BEst" for all the things I wanna Catch! UP to now, I still have no idea of what Plans for 2009, BUt on the way to the ENd that's full of All possibility! Since I've be DOing step by step no Matter what else kept with me I know "it's close and HAppen ..."

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Make it Happen, the movies related to dreams come true! The actress is Nicole Aril, acting as a young girl "Rorem" born in a small town has the dream of enrolling dancing school. The journey starts from her hometown to Chicago, joining the pretest of dancing course, failing in the first exam, then staying there with struggles, that's kind of both conflict and self-discovery. Introduce this Lovely story with easy-going rhythm that I watched at Saturday night after training course.
JUst BOok la ~~"

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小布無心ㄉ放空, 原來可以這ㄇㄉ恣意放縱!

2008 這一年, 充滿許許多多ㄉ第一次!
從每晚ㄉ池畔約會, 多ㄌ一項慢慢跑, 又填補ㄌ爬山趣, 再來是小 pinky ㄉ加入,

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2009 開始ㄉ這一刻, Happy New Year ^^
明明元旦要上工, 小布卻怎樣都不願意跟周公報到 ~ 睡覺去!
一些些不甘心, 這大好ㄉ連假全都得去南軟晃蕩?!
懶散一年, 這跨年ㄉ班, 是小布得賣力去補足!
畢竟, 活到 "35" 載, 也就只有這一年, 一切是白茫茫ㄉ空.

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一席白紗披身, 襯映著紅毯, 甜美ㄉ笑容,

在那粉嫩嫩ㄉ雙頰上閃爍, 喜悅ㄉ情緒盈滿胸懷 ...

紅毯那端, 隨著雙腿邁動, 珍珠白裙紗,

緩緩輕擺出圈圈漣漪, 襯映著紅毯, 彈奏起一場美麗ㄉ樂章!


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Merry X'mas! Pizza, Cola and Secret Santa. So happy to have Gift Exchange at Plustek.
GIft, GifT, GiFt. It's Awesome! Mine is "MObile Ashtray". Haha ^^ And my Secret Santa is Milton. Probably he thinks that I love to exercise and concerns Green Global Issues, so it's the WANT what I need! It's a Warning ~ Not encourage me to SMOke. I know, I KNow, Yep, we all know it's Poison. Doesn't matter with Green Global issue.
Thanks for Veronica to invite all to join the Secret Santa. See the photos that we all enjoy, and it's really SO FUn!

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壓力! 沒人喜歡這樣ㄉ感受, 小小布對此更是敬謝不敏.

慢跑是今年年初開始ㄉ, 剛開始上氣不接下氣, 現在已能輕鬆自在ㄉ跑, 時間長短不一, 但跑ㄉ愉快, 因為是 "慢慢跑ㄚ".


早在一ㄍ半月之前, 朋友招約 ING Marathon @Taipei 2008, 那時直覺反應 "好ㄚ". 可 ~ 報名ㄉ事情被小布擱著, 然後思考著 "幹嘛一定要報名?!" 為了一件衣服, 號碼牌, 晶片計時 ...?

恩恩 ... ING Marathon @Taipei 2008, 小布最後沒報名, 想說就 RUn 4FUN, 玩玩看, 沒跑過 Marathon 咩! 就別帶著壓力ㄉ去報名, 況且還得等待, 這對個性急躁不耐ㄉ小布, 是種絕佳ㄉ虐待, 所以 ...

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