布小小 ~~"
- Aug 02 Thu 2007 01:11
Figure out what's it?! NOt so easy for me, BUt have to think it deeply. Probably, will forget after back to Taiwan. Important or NOt??? There's no answer in the MInd. Step by step to the end, still looking for WHat to BE ...
Three years ago I'd thought It's what I would like to do, BUt when involving in the REAL, I see that's really tough for me, no maTTer MInds or BOdy. GUess, never KNOw the RESULT except Dead ...
See, repeat it agAin. Can it say "NOt satisfied with LIves in the MInd"???
- Jul 24 Tue 2007 07:10
From NOw
Terrible HOt weather around HCMC & Hanoi in Vietnam and Bangkok in Thailand. Bless my allergy calm during the trip, but it's really HARD for my body. Last afternoon it comes to me badly soon, when I figured it out, both my hands are full of REd Spots!!
Almost remains two weeks trip from Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong & China. A couple days ago, told Eiling that I really wanna go back coz I felt exhausted. So what?! Keep running ...
Speaking everyday from 10am to 6pm, long presentation & training makes me no energy after back to Hotel. It's same as Eiling. What we think about this trip, just concentrate what we can do!! GOd, wish both of us have nice trip to HOme. ^^
- Jul 01 Sun 2007 11:09
PAinFul ~~"
JUst try it, first Time ... GOd ~~" only feel PAinFul and takes a LOng loNg time to do IT...
GUess that's the REason why ASian woMEn don't like to use it.
WHat?! it's easY for YOu. cOme on, are you KIdding ME?????
- Jun 27 Wed 2007 11:08
SUre or ...?
... that feeling seems to be SUre ??
DOn't put self in the DARk. YOu know it's Wrong WAy, my Dear Vivian.
IT just Happened, BUt you can STop right away.
- Jun 25 Mon 2007 22:52
BIg Day ~~"
Be Happy, coz have CAke to eat!!
Haha ^^ Many friends are at his/her BIg Day these four days as well as My LoVely Brother & his Gal.
Happy Birthday to Sean, Vivian, Lavik, Y Huan, Little Brother!!!
- Jun 22 Fri 2007 00:05
am SOrry ~~"
I didn't mean to ... ForGet all of YOu, trust ME please!!
Actually I don't know whEn it sTarts, probably as the time I sTudied in Brisbane, or JUst coz fall in LOve with JOb, or due to LAzy, or feel BUsy, or because tHink "FAmily" the 1st ...
I know, YOu wanna say "no ExCuse!!" ~~"
- Jun 21 Thu 2007 20:50
SomeTImes wonder wHEre I am?! esPecially at the MOment I WAkeUP ... WheTher or NOt the thought also comes to YOu some times!!
RIght now writing BLOg and wAiting the time to SwIMMing coz it's the time many people in the pool. In fact, feel TIred tonight coz BANK went to PLUstek and was in the office earlier withOUT morning sWIMMing.
GUess whAt?! am addicted to SWIMming ...
- Jun 19 Tue 2007 01:49
DEar BAby ^^
Hey, my DEar BAby, where are you now?!
REcently it comes to me, saying "FORget & go on the straight withOUT the MINd".
BUt, I always think of YOu and wonder WHere you ARe?!!
- Jun 18 Mon 2007 12:47
SUMmer ^^
SeEMs to be beter about Allergy after COmputex ^^ bless me it keeps CALM always!!
Feel lazy after SUMmer Shower, a liitle bit cool & clear air around. NOthing in the MInd but still catch JOb running coz FOUR-days holiday. no plan during this holiday ...
WeNt to PingXi for drink Café with Vivian at Saturday afternoon, and went SHopping with my biggest brother's wife yesterday afternoon. WHat to do this Afternoon?! Of course SWimming la ^^ then will be at home to have a conference call with UK.
- Jun 17 Sun 2007 22:46
HUge OUTlay
No JOb, so BUY to spend energy without thought & create desire without soul ... RIght?!
Wow ... don't know HOw much ability to purchase so many things, e.g., shoes, clothes, pants, skirts and Bras ~~" JUst within One MOnth did it for NOthing to buy during five years more!!
Due to HABits, buying different color but same style clothes, and totaly cost $17,000. NOt much la, coz of the LISt as follows: shoesx3, skirtx6, clothesx3, pantsx5, slipperx2, waist bandx1 and swiimming suitx1. ENOUGH ...