布小小 ~~"
- May 07 Mon 2007 22:50
nO WoRds
FiRst, have to ask "why YOu swiM at the same POInt?", "DOn't You know it needs to USe hAnds & Legs?!" Please noT only you in the POoL, be FAst, oK!! GOd, makes my left shank jerky. ~~"
SecOnd, my Brother said before "WHen sWImming, only DReam sharks Behind YOu, then DO all your BesT for escape ..."
Do YOu know that "JUst see your BOttom Up & DOwn, dOWn & uP? At the same POint?!!"
- May 07 Mon 2007 11:47
CaTCH it
JUst feeLing about PeaCE & FRee ^^ noThing in MInd for Only one hour. is it Enough?! not at All ... BUt, cAtch it in BlOod, only feeling streams through whole the BOdy. take a BReath, MOre & MORe ...
WHen coming SOon, it always makes me IMpatient & ANxious!! for WHAt?? JUst it, DREam ^^ no maTTer how eager to CaTCH it, there's TIme needed for SomeThing ... waiT for it with ease!!
NO need to know everything, Only have to be On & Keep Going ... MOre PaTient & inDifferent to everything comes on!!
- May 05 Sat 2007 16:46
PrOBably ...
exHausted ... am really no energy to Keep IT going on & ON? PrOBably, that's the right TIme. Changed already, step the NExT LIVes ... DOn't you Feel That?!
Did NOt think too MUcH about IT. LIveStyle is different coz I don't wAnt to catch what has to BE & HOw I've Felt ... you know, JUst reVise the rule. raining today, BUt still go SwiMMing for PEAce ^^
Can't do much MOre ...
- May 04 Fri 2007 23:45
POIson ~~"
WHen it starts to go into my Blood?! seems POIson makes me addicted to the FEEling ... no one knows the ANswer, and it doesn't MaTTer with anything, either. However, "GIve it UP" & "GEt rid of IT" flowing in BlOod recently ...
RAining tonight ~~" HOw can Do it with the WEather?! ForGet it ...
JUst BOok la ~~"
- May 03 Thu 2007 21:43
Demo BOok ~~"
If can smoke, that would be Better. Haha ^^
The pictures took when Waiting for SeAn & WiNNer. They're in Istanbul Turkey, meeting with customers. And me?! stand by at home for their meeting with customers to have Live Demo ...
Ho ~~" Long time for this Demo, wait, Wait, WAit, WAIt & WAIT ... them ...
- May 01 Tue 2007 13:22
Ya BOok ~~"
Cora said it looks ANGry as the picture below, But Winner said "Cool" ...
feel So Tired after work. can Not Smile without ENergy la ~~" In fact, I thought it looks Stupid & Shit ... without HAppy feeling, you know, LIves going down & down. BUt, have to pretend to be GReat & GOod ... BullShit la
Haha ^^ May 1st, it's Holiday. What to DO?! go SwiMMing la ... that makes my BRain, MInd & Feeling shut down, and to be Free. ^^
- Apr 29 Sun 2007 13:20
SwiMMing ^^
THis weekend went swimming alone. Wow ... so free when water flowing through my body. JUst Closing my eyes, thinking NOthing, MOving my hands & legs, & breathing ... ^^
Wonderful ^^ when swimming on SUNday, it's sunny & blue sky. MOre peaceful even though there're many people in swimming pool. JUst feel happy.
Seems that my allergy becomes better after swimming. Coz it doesn't get worst.
- Apr 28 Sat 2007 22:15
Duomo in Milan
See ~ It' so Great as Duomo Church in Milan. The sculpture is as Big Size as the real man with a diversity of expression & body languages.
The street plan of Milan, with streets either radiating from the Duomo or circling it, indicates that the Duomo occupied the most important site in Roman Mediolanum.
- Apr 28 Sat 2007 22:06
JUst BOok @AThens ^^
The Agora museum is housed in the Stoa of Attalos, a reconstructed building of around 150 B.C. The characteristic feature of the mseum is that the exhibits are all closely connected with the Athenian Democracy, as the Agora was the focus of the city's public life.
The Stoa of Attalos was discovered during the excavations carried out by the Greek Archaeological Society between 1859 and 1902. In 1953-56 it was reconstructed in order to house the finds from the excavations at the Agora. In 1957 the Greek state assumed responsibility for the administration and security of the museum and the archaeological site.
Apollo Patroos. Colossal cult statue of the god from the temple of Apollo Patroos. It is the work of the famous sculptor Euphranor. Dated to ca. 330 B.C. (Copy from the web of Athens Culture)
- Apr 28 Sat 2007 00:05
SkIrt & SurPrised?!
Not usual for me to wear the SkIrt, and that's why so many people feel surprised?!
Probably once a year, some can see that. excoworker saw me in the lounge of NKSP, and she never saw me in that way. It's 2 years that we worked at the same company. Haha ~~" not my fault ... JUst my habit; JUst a piece of CLOTH ... right?!
Some asked me "have a DAte?" Some said "CRazy?" ... "Wedding?"