布小小 ~~"
- Feb 25 Sun 2007 06:15
WHat's going ON?!
Rainning outside and sounds of droping on roof ...
Get up so early at 4.30am ... ~~"
- Feb 25 Sun 2007 00:14
No words ^^
Happy Ending Artist: Rene Liu
Wait for year and year Seems that you just at my side
Miss you 24 hors and 365 days Day by day, year past year
Only wait for that time at that day I can say it out
Miss you 24 hors and 365 days Day by day, year past year
Only wait for that time at that day I can say it out
- Feb 24 Sat 2007 21:13
NIghtMare ~~"
DOn't know Why dream abt These?! Am afraid that haven't done well But really tried hard ... Didn't think it BUt NIghtMare ~~" comes to me recently ...
CRying 3 TImes during the DayBreak ... Tell me Why I have to wakeup before 5am?!
The 1st & 2nd tears that I didn't figure out it's JUst Dream. BUt, the 3rd time made me Awake!!
- Feb 21 Wed 2007 23:12
Fish, Me or U?
Fish, swimming all the Day
Artist: Chang, Yu Sheng
Artist: Chang, Yu Sheng
If only there's Space left for Me forever
Would be Stranded there In the tender
Would be Stranded there In the tender
- Feb 21 Wed 2007 16:32
Fish, swimming all the Day
Artist: Chang, Yu Sheng
If only there's Space left for Me forever
Would be Stranded there In the tender
- Feb 21 Wed 2007 03:11
REal Coming
"NOt right TIme", "take easy for everything".
No ability to do, BUt Trying ... Hate What I can't do for it, you know. Catch or not is confused for a While. That's Why I'm still here to say so. Whatever this will be gone after Mar little by little.
Three months later, it's the end for YOu & Me. ^^ Be Happy to say GoodBYe!!
- Feb 19 Mon 2007 23:10
One STop
Funny that promised "call me & say Happy New Year" but no ... Care or NOt?!
Many Friends I called & SMS for the COming Year ^^ Only YOu & yOU ... RIDiculous that I'm TRying
NOt holidays for me coz I still keep going on!! No answer for IT, and I don't really Care MOst what it is?!
- Feb 17 Sat 2007 23:32
Happy Coming ^^
Hey ... All my friends, "Happy Chinese New Year." ^^
It's the Right time to take a Breath, isn't it?
Had dinner with my Family except my eldest Brother, in China. Haha ^^ Watched TV all the night at Home. So GReat that I felt Happy la ...
- Feb 14 Wed 2007 00:31
Happy Bday to Canny
Think it's the starting time we got together at KTV before the coming year. Happy Birthday, Canny ^^ So happy that Lili & Ryan came tonight and Johnson, Canny's husband. Felt fun, really, and "Sorry" that I can't stop my emotions. JUst felt tired, and so sorry for tears. ~~"
Keep going is my insistence no matter what I meet or feel bad. ^^ Really feel sorry for my crazy tears. Haha ... I'm Ok!! YOu know, I washed my clothes after our happy meeting every time. So, don't say "Drunk" ... is Not me ^^
30 mins past and guess most of you get to bed. I called JOan, Nicole & Winner, they're safe to back Home. I really Care!! As for the others, I wasn't concerned for you, coz someone accompany you, Good Luck.
- Feb 11 Sun 2007 23:30
You Know?
Five days later I can do what I wanna Be - Baga!!
However, there're so many things that need to be done before Chinese New Year. You Know, I'm so Tired!!
Wei Ya was held LAst Friday night. I didn't eat much la coz of being a Host for drawing lots for prizes. Compare to what got last year, it's much Funny & Happy this time. GOd, why I wasn't LUck to get a Prize?! when 50,000 was given out to Cora, Haha ^^, ONly one word burst out with my mouth "Gan" ...