布小小 ~~"
It's very important  for me to have a suitable computer desk coz its usage is similar to 7-11. ~~"
Don't have the habit of watching TV, instead of my laptop. Don't ask me WHY!! Just becoz I'm used to think, read & write with it.
I bought a computer desk instead of my cosmetic desk be4 Chinese New Year. BUt, it's small for me. Today, I went to Carrefour for wine & cigar. Then, I found a desk fitted my bedroom. Haha ^^ Just brought it home la. ^^

布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Haha ^^
On the 33-yrs road, Be Happy. What else?
Let me think abt it - be happy again.

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So bad that keeping a diary is far away from me for a while.
It seems that nothing is interesting to remind me except my job. Or you can say that I'm a working machine as 7-11. GOd!! that's so terrible.
Let my brain shut down during Chinese New Year. And then I'm immersed in working and working. Stupid lifestyle I've been used to for 2 yrs, BUt it's soon to look the right way coz I have to do it.

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This is my habit of making the plan and having three wishes for the coming year. Then, I'm going to try my best for these whole the year. Sometimes I keep it in my mind; sometimes I say to my friends and family. In the beginning, it starts with a desire, and I just remind me what I wanna catch in the next step. I won't speak out until persuading myself and having sufficient energy.  Hehe ^^ it's kindof hypnotism. Probably, you have some special ideas of doing these stuffs.
What's my wish for the new year?
1st.  Hope my family and my friends happy and healthy as usual.

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Hi Friends, it's time to relax & have fun. Here I wanna say "Happy Chinese New Year".
What's ur plan for the holiday? Travel overseas or accompany ur family?
As for me, plan to stay at home for reading. Hehe...NOVELS & MOVIES. Of course, will sing KTV with my lovely family la.

布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

See that I didn't talk anything about my new job and lives. Worse, haven't contact all you guys!!
Probably I'm so old that takes time to get used to many things. Haha ~~" Not true, but I think the first is to customise myself for new relationships, situations and lifestyles. Therefore, I put everything behind the "Firsts".
What's my job? Product marketing and management. what's the industry and product? IT industry and communication systems for corporate use. Hey, if anyone related what I'm doing, PLEASE tell me who you are, what you do, how you think of it and more important, actively contact me plz!! ^^

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Think it better to say "Happy new Year to U tonight" coz I will be busy these days. Why?! Having meeting all the day and will go to pub for drink & dance I guess during the night 2005 across 2006. ^^
I've felt I become really older & older, I mean my body can't overload and my brain as well. BUt I'm trying to customise myself to what I'm facing. In fact, I'm not old for my age rather my thought. Well, Not so bad to think these further. I'm trying to figure out my plan for next year. Firstly, being stable for my live, secondly feel free to do my own business, and lastly, what I most expect to is TRAVEL & RElax!! ~~"
Happy New Year again!! What's your plan for 2006?! Think abt it and do it step by step, and finally, you'll make it come true.

布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hehe...not Asian Festival but celebrated all over the world, so I guess you all guys stay up enjoying it tonite. ^^
Having no time to send Xmas card, say to you "Merry Xmas, enjoy yourself" here coz I just staRted the job this Mon. That means I try to get used to the new affairs, relationship and environment as soon as possible.
NOT good to talk abt me, JUst wanna relax tonite and no plan for fun coz I'm too old to move body for one nite burning after work. Haha ~~" Seeing Inuyasha, Japanese Cartoons, is what I expect to!!

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I can't stand long hairs any more, therefore had a cut last afternoon.
Wow, GOod feeling la. It would be better if being cut more & more!!
In fact, I hoped my hairs can be cut very short but can't do it!! My ma hates I don't look like a girl coz of Traditional Values abt female appearance that long hairs and graceful behaviour seem to be the mark of a lady.

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  • Dec 09 Fri 2005 21:40
  • 做法

處世 身教及言教的融合 隨著年齡和環境而成長
做法 邏輯和習慣的交集 因應經驗及溝通而變動
圓滑 性情與人際的切磋 伴著眼界與目標而開拓

思想與行為的合一 想並不等於說 說並不等於做 

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