布小小 ~~"
The experience taught me a lot. Thank you for telling me so much. ^^
The world is very small But full of many different ppl trying to reach the same goal, "profits". The real worth of ppl depends on what standard each person considers.
JUst Say GoodBye ^^ for getting along with you all guys during the short time. I'm really Happy to meet you no matter what the end it is. GOd bless you all.

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  • Nov 25 Fri 2005 16:56
  • 清淡


布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What feeling it is, GOd! I've never met this kindof BOSS & got whole stressful. JUst wanna cry, BUt no tears in my eyes la ~~" Already think the worst will come to me, so probably will pack all the stuffs and move again?! I don't like it, whatever, need to care abt my health first, NOt only for MONEY...

What I have done these three weeks?? Tell you that Overloading & Overwhelming, JUst messed me up around this corp & relationships.

First, I got used to the new JOB.

布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

GOd!! Never feel so so Tired. ~~"
Probably, I'm not so professional as what I thought and you considered.
Rush path?? No! Don't think so BUt it's abt communication I guess around these stuffs.

布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Never meet this situation be4, GOd!! take all the energy away ~~"
What deserve to stay?? Think abt it and the answer is challenge & fresh!!
What the life it is?? Terrible feeling abt it, no relax, shower, and keep working as daybreak starts!! Must wonder How can I do it?? JUst depends on the mind and positive attitudes. This position should be setup and deeply thoughts of what the future it is. Nothing can meet what you need But you can create what you want. Remember it's lives that you are undergoing. That's what I am rather than SAY NO! The key point is you start, decide, work on and stay. All the processes were selected by the self! Nobody shoots your head and orders you to do it absolutely. ^^

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  • Nov 09 Wed 2005 16:49
  • 開心


布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Nov 08 Tue 2005 15:31
  • 談心

若問世上最難找的是啥 有心
回憶經驗最麻煩的為何 溝通
試問相處最可貴的在哪 交心
累積時間最有效的是啥 默契
緣分是彼此間共創出的 相容

布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This space, named as Ocean Century, fills with Transparent Water and Floating Land on the sky.
A bizarre thing notes here!! Most of creatures can be divided into aquatic, celestial and betweenness.
The people belonging to Aquatic live in the water, named O'sin. It's proverbial this group can breath Freely Under the Water!! The broad-deep & blue-green neptune is their lovely home. Although they sometimes look up at heaven that they cannot reach at all, they are peaceful and happy to enjoy their own lives.

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Have no time to think what happened to me recently ~~"
This Saturday I should work, BUt my BRAIN's already shut down!! Hence, my boss, General Manager let me go away for rest. However, the deal was made by an exchange that I have to present Next MOn.
Have no choice to stop or run away even though Pressure I got a little bit. My youngest brother talked to me "So stupid to work here!"

布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Think me disappeared, Not really!! I just went to the rental room in Taichung for my job. HiNet ADSL hasn't been installed; therefore can't connect the Internet.
What I've felt and done these days was EXHAUSTED!! ~~"
After moving to Taichung & cleaning the house, I got black and blue all over. Moving my stuffs on Wednesday afternoon, and then going to My cousin's place in ChungLi for resolving his computer troubles; then coming home to relax one day. This Friday I departed to Taichung doing the houseclean!! GOd, it's terrible tired!!

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