hey ^^ i'm com back
if have time, take a look at the pic i took in Cairns. haha
too happy to die next second coz of my exam la. bull shit ~~" whole the textbook again!! tell me why the lecturer always so devil & baga that test students by exam. well it doesnt mean anything even one can get high mark. SO WHAT!!
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what i can say about relationship is bloody fragile!! time & place make people vary a lot, especially fragile emotions cant last forever. become elder & protect myself more than i've ever been. wonder how's changed with & what's facing me in the next second?!
can anyone tell me who i am?? sometimes i hate myself a lot coz dont know why i become what i'm now. sometimes i'm proud of myself coz i'm the only one in the world.
see!! how stupid i am to think abt these. ~~" if i'm clever, i dont want to be alive in the world, Coz dont like to care anything so much!! just realise i'm not what i think of & what i like to be. BUT, it's not so terrible as what u think. plz dont misunderstand my words.
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Haha ^^
Take easy la!! only one exam left on June 16, and that means I have a lot of time to delve into its preparation. It's too long period of time for me to go on only one affair. Therefore, I will be disappeared for Five Days after May 30. ^^ Cairns, I'm coming. Although nobody can accompany me to travel this beautiful seaside city, I will try my best for having fun la. Diving must, have to be done there!! Just imagine the blue sky, peaceful ocean & colorful fishes under the water makes me free. GOD, it's time to pack my luggage. Friends, wait for my latest & hot messages.
JUst BOok la ~~"
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At this moment, finishing my last paper and don't want to revise it any more!! Think about walking & looking around the city again or going to zoo let koala & kangaroo see me la. Haha ^^ feel free in my mind & all my body.
JUst BOok la ~~"
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God! so stressful during these days coz I already booked airline & bakpak for Cairns holiday. That means I have to finish one 4000 words paper before travelling. Haha ~~" haven't slept well from last Friday but you know, it can be almost said "I'm free!!"
Well, almost!! still have an exam on June 16th after coming back from Cairns. Anyway, from studying in Brisbane, I found that I am being to a super gal. God, can you tell me why I've change a lot even though I don't like what I am now??!
I really feel so pressured to live in this way. Who can help me to change my personality & behaviour? I can't imagine my future live!! I don't want to be a spinning top, never stop......
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Only two tasks left within one month make me feel Free from now on!!
Whats my plan? Haha ^^
Keep going on 4000 words paper and then fly to Cairns.
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See! its easy to make money. WHY?
the author just wrote repeated shit wording on the whole textbook in differing ways, but made a great amount of pages; therefore, he got the book published and earning. what worst is the lecturer!!
WHY? again!
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if u see, thats ur unfortunate; if no see, thats ur fortunate!!
ask me why?? haha ~~" its my time to go back!!
when? its after 16 of JUNE.
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失蹤 唱:林億蓮 詞:何啟弘 曲:小柯
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Pisces - The Fishes
February 21st to March 19th
Life under the sea is very different from life on land, and the fishes live in a world where there are many secret and hidden things, mysteries and strange beauties. They are also graceful creatures who swim and glide through the gentle currents of water. Astrologers think that fishes are a good symbol for Pisces people. They often seem to flow through life in a graceful way. They love music and poetry and frequently daydream. They often have a private inner world which is a very special and precious place to them, but they can be deeply compassionate towards other people who are unhappy.
Other people sometimes find Pisces hard to understand, because they feel so deeply and see many things in life which they cannot share with more practical types. They love the magic and mystery of the ocean, and wild, unspoilt scenery. They often need to be on their own, but always return to the company of others, for they are happiest when they have someone or something to be devoted to. There is a great deal of love in Pisces people. Many Pisces people become writers, artists and musicians. In addition, Pisces people are often deeply religious.
Pisces is a water sign, like Cancer and Scorpio. If you are a Pisces, you may find that it becomes important as you grow older to find some kind of spiritual belief or faith. You may have a vivid imagination, and others who do not share this gift may think you daydream too much. But these daydreams are important to you, and you should never be afraid to have special times when you can withdraw into your private world.
© Liz Greene, 1977
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