JUst BOok la ~~"
布小小 ~~"
- Jun 23 Thu 2005 12:37
the last day in Melbourne ^^
ha ^^ it's always passing by very fast as travelling. Hope the last day I stay in Melbourne is great. don't know why I feel both excited & afraid to go back 2 Taiwan. Guess it's coz have to work hard then and also very glad to see my family & old friends. well, I hope everything's done in Brisbane even though I have got my result. I can't wait until I get the result. Coz the graduate celemony is in Sept. God!! it's too late for me to look for a job. Therefore, go back home and work hard then.
Hey, wish all my friends in Brisbane happy and keep smile. ^^ and my friends in Taiwan......haha ^^ i'm going to be back this Friday night. God ~~" Fucking miss you, everyone.
- Jun 15 Wed 2005 18:35
getting mad!!
hey guys, almost going to the the end & am in the mood of crying ~~" don't ask me why?? it's not related to happiness rather getting mad!! coz can't concenrate on studying exam. anyway, still need to pay more patience with bull shit task! it's not easily getting drunk as having stressful load at this moment even though i drank not only two cups. BAGA such as me hates BOok la!!!
sleep first & will get up studying until the end.
JUst BOok la ~~"
- Jun 15 Wed 2005 12:33
SHit!! can't sleep coz too nervous abt exam
u know, i'm silly coz so nervous that can't sleep!! how come?? indeed, don't need to care so much abt this exam. BUT, can't sleep and that makes me almost get mad. study & drink again. that's my habit here. seldom need alcohol in taiwan, only drink as going out with firends. plz calm down & don't think abt my exam....GOD! help me......
well, u think me as a fool, right? anyway, it's the last time i behave in this way. no more & noway......SHit! again, don't like exam & hate the author. Hey, guys, keep in ur mind that don't write a lot as u publish kinds of textbook coz so many pages will kill students.
JUst BOok la ~~"
- Jun 14 Tue 2005 11:31
haha ^^ Etty's coming 2 Brisbane
haha ^^ Etty's coming 2 Brisbane. got her message this morning. happy even though i have to take an exam on the next day. well, Etty is a cute gal i met in Cairns from Israel. haha ^^ guess she will arrive at brisbane abt 3pm....
don't know why i didn't sleep a lot last night coz i drank & got sleep early at 9.30pm. Then, damn it, woke up at 1.30 am until now I haven't slept anymore. went out to buy cigars, closed my bank account, & brought one bottle of milk home. hey, it's noon!! really need some sleep, coz will meet Etty this afternoon. ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"
- Jun 14 Tue 2005 10:30
i swear not 2 contact again
it's not easy to forget what has been, especial the person that has a good memory for everything!! BUT i swear not to contact again. ~~"
how come? coz of memory, just want to forget everything deeper rooted in my mind. well, not so terrible as what u think of. wanna be different so i swear again. time passes as all things change with me!!
hopefully! what i think will be come true in the future. ^^
- Jun 13 Mon 2005 16:29
almost finish & feel sentimental abt something
dont know why i feel somewhat blue emotion?? probably coz i cant keep time & lives stay at that moment, especially have to face unseen future in the next step.
peaceful path in brisbane and then turn in rush & pressured lifestyle in taiwan. i know i can get used to the changes from now to later but sometimes wonder what i really want?? indeed, it doesnt matter what will be coz i keep something in my mind and going on & on. dont know why i always think abt these when i almost finish something & am confused by the next step even though i know what i must do it then!!
hey, guys ~~" it's not easy to be a human in the world!!! god, what i'm thinking is really interesting & ridiculous coz i'm a human being. due to preparing my final exam & drinking now, i'm becoming mad & no spirit!!
- Jun 10 Fri 2005 22:27
bloody tired
dont u think it a good idea to kill the author??? i realy want to do it coz he's stupid enough to write a lot and makes me totally crazy for digging in the textbook. anyway, i know i can do it for this exam but hate to do it, u know? no body likes exams la...
JUst BOok la ~~"
- Jun 09 Thu 2005 23:34
want to be free ~~"
bloody tired of takeing exam la. want to be a fool and it world be easy to do everything or even no need to do it. haha going to be mad at this moment! think of passing through this step as soon as possible, BuT i'm not GOD. what i can do is to keep going on & on, and i hate that a lot due to my rush & nervous characteristics. well, i know it must be fine then but cannot stop my thinking. whatever at the beginning & at the last step, there's full of damn resentment abt doing what i'm doing in my mind. however my behavior is inclued both fucking & reading!!
by the way, i'm really crazy by doing so!!
- Jun 09 Thu 2005 15:30
Life For Rent Artist: Dido
Life For Rent Artist: Dido
I haven't ever really found a place that I call home
I never stick around quite long enough to make it
I apologize that once again I'm not in love
I never stick around quite long enough to make it
I apologize that once again I'm not in love
- Jun 08 Wed 2005 21:28
God ~~" who innovates exam
bloody tired of preparing exams! who innovates this damn shit test?? Don't you think it means nothing. indeed, none can escape from tests in the world, not only at studying but in the daily live. anyway, i still need to dig in my bloody textbook. hopefully, it's not difficult. BUT, no matter how difficult or easy it is, i still need to read it. So what? just do it la ~~"
JUst BOok la ~~"