One of my friend has fluctuant emotions recently as the relationship must be terminated. What I said to her was "it's JUst lives, only Feeling, & Disappeared then to accumulate experiences!!"
Remember one girl faced the same stuff in the past, saying "Feel the pangs of heart even as breathing."
Hey!! It's just feeling, isn't it? She wants to forget! But, she told me "I still remind the hurt even though it's long long time ago!!" as I met her at that night.
布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Hey, tell me why it is so depressed and negative to predict the future life in Taiwan?
Not a good news that most of my friends think the development & competition in Taiwan becomes lower and lower recently and will be worse in the succeeding years. MOst people think Taiwan's economy decays rapidly. The situation resulted from not only global depression but also THE GOvernement's policies. I'm not so philanthropic & talented that have ability to reverse the trend, But really want to do something. Therefore, try my best to accumulate knowledge, professional skills and real work experiences. Probably, I can do help something then. Hehe ^^ Proud of being Taiwanese la!!!!
JUst BOok la ~~"
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MOon Festival in Taiwan
MOon Festival~YOu know what's that? One of the most important festival for Taiwanese to get together with family. What stands for MOon Festival are "Moon Cake" and "Moon in the dark sky"!!
Haha ^^ Two years I didn't stay at home to celebrate this sweety holiday. Neither did my elderst brother coz he works in China. BUt this time, my family has a gathering for BBQ oustside our house on Sunday night. Eventually we're getting together la!!
布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
A little bit of suspicion?! What's going on with me?
No energy!! Nothing in my mind and bored, probably! Tired of going on & on but HAVe TO!!
The angel says "YOu're lucky to have holidays during winter & summer every year!"
布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
A couple of days passed by. What I did these days? Something I did was Going Crazy; therefore, watched one TV drama from Korean all the weekend. Hahah ^^ It's so great! Tell me a lovely story that one can make it, just persist in what it is in the mind, if don't give up on the way to the end.
A little lazy at this moment coz of no good news from my job email. Still hunting a job?! Yes. What I can say is Going on la......
布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
GOd!! Why so difficult to hunt a job?! especially a good job!
In fact, I had some interviews & thought that it's soon to fly to China for work. However, the boss was so busy that had no time to arranged the details. Therefore, I think "need 2 change my way somewhat!!" It spent one day to do my resume site & you can have a look at BOok's Resume or online survey .
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Very happy these days!! Why?! I just stayed at home & sang songs with my family. Hahah ^^
Asian people should love to sing KTV (karaoke). It's a prevalent habit 4 Asian people; even one cannot sing very well. It stands for a cultural habit, leisure activity & also maintains relationship with friends, coworkers & supervisors.
My family love to sing songs. I'm not a good singer but still like it very much. For me, it seems to shout out my emotions, such as anger & sadness, especially the energy that I haven't exploited!!
布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Wow ^^ my friends, Happy Valentine's Day!!
Qi Xyi, the name in Chinese, is on July 7 of the lunar calendar.
No matter you're single or couple, just do something & feel happy. You know that I'm still single & wish it lasts 4ever.
布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
HI Hi ~~"
A story told by my friend..."Didn't she get hurt?" as she asked for return, BUt she said "NO!!".
This talk happened after six months more later after they broke up. She said "It's gone away, nothing anymore needed to be remind then." He kept asking "Did you hate me?"
布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
《Betrayal》^^ nice song 4 U!!
My love has gone away,
quietly after a hundered days.
This is what's she has always said she won't stay
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