One of my friend has fluctuant emotions recently as the relationship must be terminated. What I said to her was "it's JUst lives, only Feeling, & Disappeared then to accumulate experiences!!"
Remember one girl faced the same stuff in the past, saying "Feel the pangs of heart even as breathing."
Hey!! It's just feeling, isn't it? She wants to forget! But, she told me "I still remind the hurt even though it's long long time ago!!" as I met her at that night.
Tell me What I can say to these girls?? This is "GROWth; Nobody can skip & escape". No matter girls or boys, they would feel painful as the relationship breaks up. There's no winner or loser in it. However the love you give much or less, it must leave hurt. ^^
Nothing lasts forever!! Even it seems bad, I HAve to say, "it's Only at that moment." Man, no wonder what I said coz one needs to live in hope.
The feeling Blew away with time!! It's just as Chinese proverb "Cloud fades out with wind". It takes time to realise the emotional experience & afterward Not much feeling about it probably coz that's already gone or stayed in the deeper mind.
Anyway, keep your mind with dream, hope, & happiness. That's what I really want to say.
JUst BOok la ~~"
Remember one girl faced the same stuff in the past, saying "Feel the pangs of heart even as breathing."
Hey!! It's just feeling, isn't it? She wants to forget! But, she told me "I still remind the hurt even though it's long long time ago!!" as I met her at that night.
Tell me What I can say to these girls?? This is "GROWth; Nobody can skip & escape". No matter girls or boys, they would feel painful as the relationship breaks up. There's no winner or loser in it. However the love you give much or less, it must leave hurt. ^^
Nothing lasts forever!! Even it seems bad, I HAve to say, "it's Only at that moment." Man, no wonder what I said coz one needs to live in hope.
The feeling Blew away with time!! It's just as Chinese proverb "Cloud fades out with wind". It takes time to realise the emotional experience & afterward Not much feeling about it probably coz that's already gone or stayed in the deeper mind.
Anyway, keep your mind with dream, hope, & happiness. That's what I really want to say.
JUst BOok la ~~"