RAining so often ... DON't tell me it's going on at the night of MOon Festival. anyWay my family will have BBQ at that night no matter it's rainy Or noT. Guess moSt of you are as same as us. Hehe ... be HAppy ^^
It's laTe, but am still aWake to keep the next Novel. reLax ... How about YOu?? prpbably already have a lot of DReams ...

thiNKing ~~" doN't get it ... can'T make the MInd going ON, cos of no iDEA. all Right, will dig in the ANswer in the NExt thrEE or FOur monTHs. NO worries. BeFore that, I wanna be a FUll Silly.
LeT's celebrate everything you have, and remember "Keeps ALL with YOu", especially "HaPPy with Smiles!!"
JUst BOok la ~~"
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