SHining ^^ windy and blue sky makes me Happy, woke up earlier when seee the WonDerFul.
SO So so ... SWimming is the firsT plan, and the 2nd IS to "pick My Brother up at the airPort".
IT's not Pourng, but wiTH showers yesterDay when swimmING. NO sounds except the Breath. PEAceful & inTereSting to see rain dropping down on the POol. riPPles stretch from a POint to BIg, BiGGer and DISappeared ... FEEling is so GOod.
NO other thing's stopping the STep, no MAtter SUNny or RAiny. just free to MOve hands & legs, and that recalls me "Diving at GREat Barrier Reef in CAirns". It's Colourful, so Beautiful that you can see & feel in the OCean. JUSt be fRee in the GREat WORld ... noTHing, but ONly the sOUl remains!!
JUst BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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