"Rush into that POint" is NOt a GOod idea. How LOng is it to catCH that POint? Indeed a proBlem to ASk "whEN" ... Think it better to GIve that Away.
ReCently the MInd is FLoating heRe & THere no matter sleep or wakeup. SomeTimes feel thAt POint, but always forGET WHY & whAt have been to. It's really NOt like what have been DOne, however, WHat is doIng per Minute. NOthing keeps in the MInd, even though it's completed one minUte agO!!
Hehe ... "ForGet" is the Habit that I've learned for a While ... ^^ MEmory Bank is not Always sTOred forEver cos someTHIng's wrong with "DELETE" command.
JUst BOok la ~~"
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    布小小 ^^

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