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Aquarius - The Water Carrier

January 22nd to February 20th

The man who carries the pitcher of water freely shares his water with all those who are thirsty. Astrologers think this is a good symbol for people born under the sign of Aquarius, because they are generous in sharing their gifts with other people. Aquarians are often humanitarians.Aquarius This means that they are interested in people and will feel concern for people as a group. They believe that everyone is their friend, whether they are black or white, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly. Aquarius is a friendly sign.
Many Aquarians have excellent minds. They are very clever at science and are especially interested in anything which can help people. They are often fascinated by gadgets and inventions, and some Aquarians become great inventors themselves. Others may support political movements concerned with questions of freedom and justice. Aquarius people, are often not very emotional, because they are more interested in exchanging ideas and helping others.
Aquarius is an air sign, like Gemini and Libra. If you are an Aquarian, your special and unique gift is your tolerance and understanding of other people. You have the gift of being able to perceive what people really think and feel, no matter how they are dressed, or what walk of life they come from, and people feel you are their friend because you are truly interested in them. With this gift you can help people to make the best out of their own lives.

© Liz Greene, 1977

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Aries - The Ram

March 20th to April 20th

The ram is used to describe the sign of Aries because it is always full of energy and life, always on the move, and always looking for a challenge. A typical Aries person is usually full of vitality and courage. He enjoys challenge, and can often be found excelling at sports and other competitive games. Aries He will try anything if there is a chance to win. Many people who have the Sun in Aries, or perhaps some of the other planets in Aries, are natural leaders. They have plenty of new, creative ideas. They may get impatient when they must follow a routine, or do what they think are boring things. The Aries person does not like being told what to do. He likes to make his own way in life.

Aries belongs to a group of Zodiac signs which astrologers call fire signs. By this they mean that people born under these signs remind them of a warm, bright, crackling fire. They have a fiery, impulsive quality. They tend to be outgoing and sometimes have hot tempers, but they forgive easily as well. They are optimistic and rarely remain sad for long. Leo and Sagittarius are also fire signs.
If you are an Aries think how good you feel when you are first at something, and when you can invent new ideas or activities which your friends enjoy.

© Liz Greene, 1977

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Taurus - The Bull

April 21st to May 21st

The bull is used to describe the sign of Taurus because he usually is plodding and peaceful in his movements. He is deliberate and relaxed and enjoys his food. TaurusA typical Taurus person likes comfort, and is willing to work hard for the things that make him happy. Like a bull he does not easily lose his temper, but when he does get angry it is best to stay out of his way!
The most important thing to Taurus is stability. Many Taurus people love beautiful things. They may also love the land, and be happiest in the country. Some Taurus people have fine voices and a talent for music, or they may be good at sculpture or woodwork. Others are practical and can be excellent accountants or bookkeepers. But sometimes Taurus people take a long time to decide what they are best at, because this is a patient sign and Taurus people are in no hurry.
Taurus belongs to a group of signs which astrologers call earth signs. By this they mean that Taurus people have a solid, reliable quality which reminds them of the earth itself. Virgo and Capricorn are also earth signs.
If you are a Taurus your special gifts are your reliability, and your ability to bring peace and stability into other people's lives.

© Liz Greene, 1977

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Gemini - The Twins

May 22nd to June 22nd

The twins are used to describe the sign of Gemini because typical Gemini people love to share ideas with someone else. The most important thing for a Gemini is communication. GeminiGemini people are almost always curious about lots of different things. A typical Gemini person usually enjoys being with other people, and loves to talk about the latest thing he is doing. People usually like their Gemini friends, because they have something interesting to share with everybody.
Many Gemini people are talented at writing, teaching and public speaking. Some are gifted dancers. Many of them work in the fields of radio, television and newspapers because they love to be around when news is being created. It is especially important for Gemini people to travel and meet new people.
Gemini belongs to a group of signs which astrologers call air signs. By this they mean that Gemini people have a sparkling, changeable, light quality which makes them think of the light and refreshing breeze of a spring day. Libra and Aquarius are also air signs.
If you are a Gemini think about how good you feel when you are right in the middle of exciting things and can tell your friends your own story of what happened. You can brighten up a whole room full of people, and teach them something new at the same time.

© Liz Greene, 1977

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Cancer - The Crab

June 23rd to July 22nd

The crab is used to describe this sign because it carries its own house with it. It will also move sideways instead of in a straight line, and although a crab cannot really hurt you with its claws, it can hang on very tightly to something it wants.
A typical Cancer person is home-loving and fond of his family. At the same time he is often quite subtle in his behaviour and may approach Cancerpeople and situations indirectly if he cannot get what he wants by going straight forward. And when he loves someone or has something which makes him happy, he will hang on very tightly and not let go.
Cancer people want to be needed, and it is important to them to be around people who love them and help them to feel secure. They are also often shy and sensitive, but they can be brave and courageous about protecting their friends and loved ones. Many Cancer people also have wonderful imaginations, and can create fine stories and paintings.
Cancer belongs to a group of signs which astrologers call water signs. By this they mean that Cancer people have a deep, mysterious, gentle quality which makes them think of gazing into a cool, deep pool or into the flowing waters of a river. Scorpio and Pisces are also water signs.
If you are a Cancer think about how good you feel when you are close to your family and feel safe and secure in a warm, happy home.

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Leo - The Lion

July 23rd to August 22nd

The lion is called the King of the Beasts, and astrologers think that this animal is a good symbol to represent the kind of personality which seems to belong to most Leos. If you watch a lion you will see that he is always dignified, proud looking, and relaxed. He seems to know that he is king.
LeoSometimes he also enjoys being lazy and lying around in the sun. All this means that if you are a Leo you probably need plenty of time and opportunity in your life to do the things you want, things that give you joy and allow you to express yourself in a pleasurable way. Leos always like to think big, and do not enjoy things which are too detailed, or too dull. They also like to lead, and don't like being ordered around.
There is another thing which is important to a Leo, and that is love. Leo people need plenty of love and attention. They can feel hurt if they are ignored, or if someone else takes the credit for something they have done. They love to have an audience, and even a fairly shy, quiet Leo might secretly look to see if anyone is watching when he is doing something.
Leo is a fire sign, like Aries and Sagittarius. If you are a Leo, think about how good it feels to create something which is uniquely yours, something artistic or something exciting like a new invention, which everyone admires and which also brings pleasure to other people. Don't be afraid to ask for the attention and love you need, but remember that other people like to be loved and admired in return.

© Liz Greene, 1977

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Virgo - The Virgin

August 23rd to September 22nd

The symbol of Virgo the Maiden was chosen by astrologers to represent people born under this sign because there is a cool, clear quality to the way that a typical Virgo person thinks.Virgo
Virgo people are usually very gentle and quiet, and love small animals and growing things. Many Virgos love to do detailed things and are talented at crafts like dressmaking. They will work hard to create something which is beautiful and useful at the same time. People born under the sign of Virgo are often happy to be alone, providing they know that they are needed and appreciated by others. In fact, the most important thing to Virgo people is service. They are always ready to help others, and are very sympathetic to their friend's problems. Often they are shy and sensitive, but deep down are generous with their love and their talents.
Virgo is an earth sign, like Taurus and Capricorn. If you are a Virgo, you will know how good you feel when you have been able to help somebody else in some way. Also you will get great pleasure from making something with your own hands. You will probably find that as you grow up the kind of work you do will become very important to you, for you need to feel you are contributing something worthwhile to life. Don't ever feel that noisier, bossier people are better than you, because your special gentleness and quietness is much needed in this world.

© Liz Greene, 1977

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Libra - The Scales

September 23rd to October 22nd

When you use a pair of scales you must get exactly the right amount on each side to make them balance. If there is too much on one side, or too little on the other, the scales will tip. Libra Astrologers think this is a good symbol for Libra people because they seem to need equal amounts of everything in their lives to be happy. Libra people need to keep a balance between work and play, and between their thoughts and their emotions. Sometimes they seem to have trouble making decisions, but this is because they must consider all sides of a question first. They are always striving for perfection and balance, and love beauty and harmony around them.
The most important thing for a Libra person is this idea of harmony. Libra people love to have people about them and to feel that they are appreciated. They usually get very interested in the opposite sex early in life, because they need love and companionship. Lots of Libra people are artistic and appreciate beautiful things. Sometimes they are talented at music or singing, and often dress well. But they may also be good at mathematics and science, because there is a clear, logical quality to the way they think. Usually Libra people are well liked because they are charming and easy to get along with. When a Libra person argues or behaves badly, it is usually because he feels that something is unfair.
Libra is an air sign, like Gemini and Aquarius. If you are a Libra, think about how good you feel when everything in your life seems to be harmonious and well-balanced, and when you have friends to go places or do things with.

© Liz Greene, 1977

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Scorpio - The Scorpion

October 23rd to November 22nd

The scorpion is a solitary little animal which likes to hide under stones. He can be dangerous, but he is never aggressive by himself and will only harm someone if he is disturbed. Astrologers think that the scorpion is a good symbol to represent those born under this sign Scorpiobecause Scorpio people usually need plenty of time by themselves to think deeply about things they feel.
Scorpio people are sometimes very quiet, shy and sensitive and like to keep secrets. They can feel things very intensely. Scorpio people are also often very good at seeing the good and bad points in other people. The most important thing for Scorpio is self-understanding. They are not afraid to try things other people are frightened of, if it will help them to learn more about themselves. At the same time, they do not like to be taken advantage of or injured, and many Scorpio people have a very strong sense of justice. This can make life difficult for Scorpio children if they think they are being unfairly punished. Scorpio children are often much wiser and more understanding than other children, so they should always be given reasons when they are told to do something.
Many Scorpio people are good at things which require deep thought and understanding, like psychology. Some of them become fine doctors and surgeons, because they are interested in the mysteries of life and like to heal.
Scorpio is a water sign, like Cancer and Pisces. If you are a Scorpio, your special gifts are your insight and sensitivity, and your strength of will, which can achieve anything in life.

© Liz Greene, 1977

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Sagittarius - The Centaur

November 23rd to December 22nd

The centaur is an imaginary creature who is half horse and half man. In the stories of mythology he is full of adventure and will gallop to the ends of the earth just for the joy of finding something new. In his hands he carries a bow and arrow. He shoots his arrow at some distant goal, gallops off in pursuit, and when he finds his arrow shoots it again, always keeping on the move. SagittariusAstrologers think the centaur is a good symbol for those born under this sign, because they generally love travelling, seeing new places and meeting new people. They are always ready for a new adventure and always ready to learn something new.
Sagittarius people need plenty of freedom, because they want to experience as much of life as they can. They are unhappy when tied down to a routine, and happiest when starting off on something new. Walking is a favourite Sagittarian pastime, and many excel at sports. Sagittarians also have restless, adventurous minds, and like to take up new studies. Many Sagittarians are keenly interested in philosophy and the world of ideas, and they also love to have a good time and are fun to be with.
Sagittarius is a fire sign, like Aries and Leo. If you are a Sagittarius, you will probably find that as you grow older you want to travel. You should have a lively and inquiring mind, and will always be asking questions about everything. Above all, you should have great faith in yourself, and your special and unique gift is this ability to wish upon a lucky star and believe your dreams really will come true.

© Liz Greene, 1977

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