The man who carries the pitcher of water freely shares his water with all those who are thirsty. Astrologers think this is a good symbol for people born under the sign of Aquarius, because they are generous in sharing their gifts with other people. Aquarians are often humanitarians. This means that they are interested in people and will feel concern for people as a group. They believe that everyone is their friend, whether they are black or white, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly. Aquarius is a friendly sign. Many Aquarians have excellent minds. They are very clever at science and are especially interested in anything which can help people. They are often fascinated by gadgets and inventions, and some Aquarians become great inventors themselves. Others may support political movements concerned with questions of freedom and justice. Aquarius people, are often not very emotional, because they are more interested in exchanging ideas and helping others. Aquarius is an air sign, like Gemini and Libra. If you are an Aquarian, your special and unique gift is your tolerance and understanding of other people. You have the gift of being able to perceive what people really think and feel, no matter how they are dressed, or what walk of life they come from, and people feel you are their friend because you are truly interested in them. With this gift you can help people to make the best out of their own lives.