The crab is used to describe this sign because it carries its own house with it. It will also move sideways instead of in a straight line, and although a crab cannot really hurt you with its claws, it can hang on very tightly to something it wants. A typical Cancer person is home-loving and fond of his family. At the same time he is often quite subtle in his behaviour and may approach people and situations indirectly if he cannot get what he wants by going straight forward. And when he loves someone or has something which makes him happy, he will hang on very tightly and not let go. Cancer people want to be needed, and it is important to them to be around people who love them and help them to feel secure. They are also often shy and sensitive, but they can be brave and courageous about protecting their friends and loved ones. Many Cancer people also have wonderful imaginations, and can create fine stories and paintings. Cancer belongs to a group of signs which astrologers call water signs. By this they mean that Cancer people have a deep, mysterious, gentle quality which makes them think of gazing into a cool, deep pool or into the flowing waters of a river. Scorpio and Pisces are also water signs. If you are a Cancer think about how good you feel when you are close to your family and feel safe and secure in a warm, happy home.