
Leo - The Lion

July 23rd to August 22nd

The lion is called the King of the Beasts, and astrologers think that this animal is a good symbol to represent the kind of personality which seems to belong to most Leos. If you watch a lion you will see that he is always dignified, proud looking, and relaxed. He seems to know that he is king.
LeoSometimes he also enjoys being lazy and lying around in the sun. All this means that if you are a Leo you probably need plenty of time and opportunity in your life to do the things you want, things that give you joy and allow you to express yourself in a pleasurable way. Leos always like to think big, and do not enjoy things which are too detailed, or too dull. They also like to lead, and don't like being ordered around.
There is another thing which is important to a Leo, and that is love. Leo people need plenty of love and attention. They can feel hurt if they are ignored, or if someone else takes the credit for something they have done. They love to have an audience, and even a fairly shy, quiet Leo might secretly look to see if anyone is watching when he is doing something.
Leo is a fire sign, like Aries and Sagittarius. If you are a Leo, think about how good it feels to create something which is uniquely yours, something artistic or something exciting like a new invention, which everyone admires and which also brings pleasure to other people. Don't be afraid to ask for the attention and love you need, but remember that other people like to be loved and admired in return.

© Liz Greene, 1977

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