布小小 ~~"

Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.

Mercury in Pisces

Fertile imagination, kind, good. Capable and flexible mind, but a little artificial.

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Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.

Mars in Gemini

She speaks a lot, likes to spar verbally, discussions, disputes, polemic, criticism.

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Saturn represents contraction and effort.

Saturn in Gemini

She is systematic, ordered, meticulous. She is discerning and lucid. A scientific mind.

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Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.

Neptune in Sagittarius

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Pisces ascendant Libra

Ascendant in Libra

She will never leave the beaten track. Married and not living with a partner, if she gets involved in politics it will be in a recognized party and naturally one in power etc...

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連人帶車就這ㄇ向右倒下去, ㄘㄨㄚˋ死騎在前頭ㄉ老弟, 立即回頭猛衝, 查看小小布是否無恙?
ㄚ ~~" 只是想調整前車頭燈, 卻一直弄不好, 心想乾脆停下來弄, 所以騎速是很慢ㄉ, 但 ~ 忘ㄌ卡踏ㄉ存在, 白目ㄉ小小布一煞車, 右腳就向右出力想踏出去, 而沒脫卡ㄉ下場, 就是不僅沒能跨出, 還連人帶車爽爽ㄉ往右傾斜, 呵呵 ^^ 最終ㄉ下場, 除ㄌ倒下去, 還能怎樣?!
扯著天頻回頭看ㄉ老弟, 就這ㄇ目睹 "小小布跟pinky心連心, 體連體ㄉ, 整ㄍ可愛又沒藥救ㄉ向右倒下去". 事後, 老弟和小小布講起這件事來, 就是花枝亂竄, 整ㄍ就是扯動肚皮, 按摩腸胃ㄉ "笑死人!!".

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0度~合相相位角 / 60度~六分相相位角 / 120度~三分相相位角 / 90度~四分相相位角 (刑) / 180度~二分相相位角 (對沖)

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月亮與海王星 呈現 182.43 度角:

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太陽與月亮 呈現 93.04 度角:

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月亮與冥王星 呈現 118.99 度角:

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