布小小 ~~"
- Aug 28 Thu 2008 05:19
九月酒, 十月歡 ... 先搞搞這挫敗, 攪和那失ㄌㄉ魂 ... 惡意ㄉ放縱, 莫名ㄉ丟失氣力, 一股堅持ㄉ中心點, 就這ㄇ模糊隱藏! 從頭到尾, 沒認真算計這堅持ㄉ道理為何? 縱身茫茫海域, 沒尋著啥來? 沒等待著啥? 有種想閃身卻怎ㄇ都閃不過, 進而迷失在這圍圄中不知所云 ...
不喜歡被逼迫做任何一件事, 或許是心態ㄉ問題, 但嘗試被說服, 更是件難上加難ㄉ事! 仔細回溯, 人ㄦ總是健忘, 只願意記住美好ㄉ部分, 卻忽略ㄌ圓滿之中有著殘缺, 終究必須回歸現實這節點, 放空是因著失心ㄇ?!
- Aug 27 Wed 2008 20:35
BiKing Map @Formosa
△ 台北縣市單車地圖集:
1. 台北市河濱腳踏車道導覽圖 (下載點):
- Aug 24 Sun 2008 23:17
All the Steps
No wind, No Sun, But all the steps we met today! 2 RiceBalls for Hiking, coz of no Car to FuShan, we changed the way to Mt. LionHead. Eating one RiceBall for my breakfast, then 30 mins to climb the TOp, and it's Rainy again this afternoon.
The short hill path with all the steps made us "All Stweaty"!! JOy came with me, and she was talking along the steps. ^^ Haha she hates climbing the steps. SOon after we went downhill and hanged aroung BiTan DrawBridge. Yu Zhen and Yu Fen went back to HOme, and JOy went Biking with me. ~~" My skin got SunBurned on the retun way from XinTian to DaDaoCheng.
- Aug 21 Thu 2008 15:10
Horse Park
- Aug 20 Wed 2008 16:18
BUt Where?!
Wonder ... ^^
Giving up, why should I
I've come to far to forget
Standing here face to ME
- Aug 20 Wed 2008 16:08
59 POint
NOt in the Middle, wavering to GO or Stop?! Decision to where/what/why/how it is GettING blur! Whirling down on the road to the Next CRoss! play Games, hang on LIves, stop at this POint now for ... deeply breathing MOre & MORe!
JUst BOok la ~~"
- Aug 20 Wed 2008 15:17
always stayING
WithOUt patience, it's thRee months after taking Chinese medicine. Stop to rest for a While ~~" Ignore the Rules coz am really TiRed of doing the same work every time. DOn't think it help ... was & being always stayING with Me in the same state. WHY neeed to so CAre!! stop TRYing MOre!
JUst BOok la ~~"
- Aug 20 Wed 2008 15:07
ENd? BLank!
So MAny traffic LIghts ~~" REd, GReen, YelloW, meet in every 50~100m along the street, and that extends the LIfe GAme and makes a LOng distance to reach the final StaR. WHAt's that in the ENd? BLank is the Answer that remains in the MIND. Brain's shut down ... diZZy & giDDy, what feeling got last Night after ridding wrong way MAny Times!
JUst BOok la ~~"
- Aug 17 Sun 2008 20:54
Birth Chart
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 | Placidus Orb:0 | |||||
Sun | Pisces | 10.33 | Ascendant | Libra | 15.05 | |
Moon | Gemini | 7.30 | II | Scorpio | 13.59 | |
Mercury | Pisces | 1.02 R | III | Sagittarius | 14.17 | |
Venus | Aquarius | 0.29 | IV | Capricorn | 15.22 | |
Mars | Gemini | 1.09 | V | Aquarius | 16.45 | |
Jupiter | Aquarius | 28.22 | VI | Pisces | 17.14 | |
Saturn | Gemini | 27.47 | VII | Aries | 15.05 | |
Uranus | Libra | 27.24 R | VIII | Taurus | 13.59 | |
Neptune | Sagittarius | 9.35 | IX | Gemini | 14.17 | |
Pluto | Libra | 6.09 R | Midheaven | Cancer | 15.22 | |
Lilith | Capricorn | 22.02 | XI | Leo | 16.45 | |
Asc node | Sagittarius | 25.34 | XII | Virgo | 17.14 |
- Aug 17 Sun 2008 20:44
Birth Chart 1
The sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality and outward-shining creative energy.
Sun in Pisces
She is compassionate and sentimental. She likes isolated occupations: administration, archives, history. Spirit of self-sacrifice.