布小小 ~~"
Raining these two days, therefore I would like to stay at home if no interviews.
Right Now, it's late abt 12.30am. I just washed my hairs coz will go to Zhang Hua for interview tomorrow morning. This job is related to work in China. I prefer working in Xin Dian, near my family, BUt if going to other places, think it better to work overseas. Hehe, Not closest, JUst choose the job far away from my home. ~~"
The next interview is the same, working overseas. Whatever which one I choose, I think it OK. How come? Coz need money la, especially new year's coming soon.

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Happy to hear my China little brother's Voice from Brisbane last night. Miss him so much!! ^^ Accompanying me during oversea studying, he warmed my heart and gave me lots of JOY.
Seemed to be busy but nothing I've felt since coming back home country as finishing my studying. However, days passed in a casual way. Well, if wanting me to detail abt what've done from graduating, it's not difficult. Doesn't mean I did nothing, or rather have nothing cheering me up. ~~"
25 days Left, then New Year's coming!! It's Xmas before that. I saw a BIG Xmas Tree in the interviewing corp today. Wow, so excited that made me touch it. Colorful balls & flash lights, and cute furry bears lies on the floor. GOd!! if I had a digital camera, I would show you how great it is.

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The first cold front comes from mainland, and the temperature is 10 degrees centigrade during the daytime today. How I feel abt it is COLD since the coming of this winter. It's said by the weather forecast that it's below 10 during the daybreak.
Winter! I don't like cold especially gray sky as looking at the heaven. However, Cold but Warm is what feeling I got today. Living with my family and Smell X'mas coming make everything seem to be smooth & delighted this winter!!
Hey!! Put on more cllothes with you, my friends. Take care...^^

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Rush to attend My lovely friend's wedding party by MRT and walked from Taipei train station to HPW restaurant in Chang An weat Rd. Not so far for me to walk for a while though I did clean out my room  whole the day. A little bit tired, But Have to make everything in order for me tonight. ^^
Very happy to join Roxanne's wedding tonight. She's very beautiful with shining and charming eyes. I will upload the pic later coz have no internet in my room.

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GOd!! why treated me in this way?? Hehe The original reason is...
...Not GOd but BOok herself. Hey, Silly BOok ~~" TRY to forget it and throw away these habits, ok?
JUst felt exhausted after moving back home.

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See that how can you do anything changed if you're lack of MONEY!!
Indeed, no Dream & no Future with yourself no matter what you think and plan to do.
Back to the ORIGINAL for the basic need in order to live in the world.

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really really HAPPY!!
You know why I'm happy coz I can take a breath for a while. Haha ^^
My skin allergy didn't relapse after Last Friday. Guess I did really work so hard this month. Got overloading & stressful with my body. BUt thanks for the experience that helps me realise what lives I want!!

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Have no idea why I JUst did it?!
In fact, I would like to stay & relax for a while BUt woke up doing these stuffs this morning coz of intuition.
Big Sunny day, felt great and didn't think abt RESIGN until now. Actually, I don't need to think coz of cleaning it out. I do know What's wrong with me, and what happened with this corp no matter the process & outcome are good or bad. The answer is I WAS and AM studyING.

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  • Nov 27 Sun 2005 17:17
  • 問題

結果如此 問題是出在自己身上
不可否認 似有心卻少了心在動
磁場不合 過程中腦袋處於空茫
倉促滿溢 ㄧ步步走卻忽略自己
模糊目標 誰都不是的使喚來去

布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Put myself in the bottom & start with nothing again.
No subjective thoughts & self-behaviors to deal with what comes to me!!
JUst wanna simple & peaceful to live in the world.

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