布小小 ~~"
Don't know why God's Kidding Me?! It's happened the 2nd times especially at this moment that I feel so so So Tired ...
LOve is simple BUt can't cathch & keep it forever, right? Lili, my dear, JUst wanna say "YOu'll be better when leaving US" ^^ You know that's What I'm eager to do - "Free!" But not my time for it.
So bad that Emotion was Burst Out & CRying last Friday night coz I start to Miss you ... Haha

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Three weeks later, it's Chinese New Year. That means I can have one week more holidays. ^^ Have to meet some Old Friends before it coz it's Long time that I didn't contact them. Promise that I will do IT ... Lora, Qmou, Wen that are my High schoolmates, and Ex-coworkers in Pan Asian ...
So bad tHat I really don't get the Idea wHat to do during the holiday?! well, accompany my family and sing Karaoke is absolutely that I will do, and what else more?! Read novels, watch movies, meet old friends and take a breath with my Baga Brian. Haha ^^
DOn't like to MISunderstand what you've treated me?! I'm really tired of everything & anybody ... Can it be easily to think of as NOthing?! Whatever, it's my rules for the relationship ~ Easy & Simple!! What you say is JUst BullSHit coz it won't be Kept in Minds ...

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HaHa ~~" don't wanna make you embarrassed so asked the Qs as normal greetings. The MINd seems to be usual feeling as saying "Hello"!! But, what's the real?! DOn't know la ... "Sorry" is WHat I need to say. ^^ Be put in Pressure recently. Say it out coz of happy memory that belongs to us before. Never MInd, Baby!
Sing KTV last Friday. CRying out without tears on Face. Time to change LIVe style coz I can't be in Dark anymore. Near 34 yrs makes Me think the Regular LIves for Me & Family in the next step. Half year later, JUst be Wait for that time, and then everything should be Different!! That's what I Promise myself. CAn't expect the Future but know what's in My MINd. ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"

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It's JUst habit to cast lots at Tu Di Gong Temple WHen new year's coming or my heart's full of BUllshit. REmind that I asked about career in 2005 & do nothing during last yr. 2007, I repeat the belief last Saturday. WHat I care more recently is the Same "JOB".
What you want is to make decision for the coming days!!

No suspect of what's in the MINd coz of no Result, plz!
Take you Fate as the intuition that already put in Heart.

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  • Jan 21 Sun 2007 13:59
  • 詩籤

庚辰籤 (第三十九首)~2007詩籤


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CAn't stand any More coz it's my limitation in these BullShit work processes! WHy it's always full of disgusting words in the meeting?! No meaning words but takes time to listen and it's NOt making decision. HOwever, everyone thinks it as communications and to be the process to reach a mutual understanding. DOn't you consider what the Hell it's JUst BullShit?!
Totally feel exhausted but Ask myself not to Be in tears, especially at that moment!! HAte no decision, no meaning, BUt only waste time to Repeat words in the Meeting. In other words, they make me feel stressful & confused what to do then. Or it can be said "Quit" will be coming to Me earlier if they do it so often!!
Calm down and Promise me "Don't work this weekend!" That's why I went out all the day. ^^ Vivian and I drove on Bei Yi road to to Yi Lan, had dinner at Kee Long night market and drank Cafe at Shi Men Beach. tIME is no meaning for Me and everything is JUstSHit at all. If you like to play Game as BUllShit, I can do it for you as whAt you want "Sai la". ~~"

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  • Jan 20 Sat 2007 03:41
  • 崩潰

想想能力有多少 再去思考可行與否
有夢很偉大嗎? 偉大ㄉ是容忍經過

在乎讓自己變ㄉ過頭 想想做得到ㄇ
不在乎卻又散漫無邊 冷漠是種保護

布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jan 18 Thu 2007 15:16
  • 透支

一種透支的感覺 為啥可以搞ㄉ這ㄇ累?
後來 發現這是溝通 能力 行動ㄉ問題

雖不願意這樣說 但做事難道不能更認真?
學著點ㄦ 這是人生 人和人 不是只有妳

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  • Jan 15 Mon 2007 12:22
  • 暖暖

作詞:李焯雄 作曲:人工衛星 編曲:洪敬堯

都可以隨便的 你說的 我都願意去 小火車 擺動的旋律
都可以是真的 你說的 我都會相信 因為我 完全信任你

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LOve, the song singing by Fish Leong, makes me feel Warm & LOve. ^^
Always Where you wanna go, I would like to go MiniTrain running with LOVely Melody
It's Truth   WHat you said, I always believe in coz I totally believe YOu

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