布小小 ~~"
SUnny day ^^ let's count down for New Year's Coming ... WHat dreams you have for next year? that's the question I ask myself every year! BUt, it remains "BLank" in my MInd this time coz I don't know "WHat" I really wanna for the following LIves.
A couple days ago, I found that some white hairs grow on my brother's head, and then again on my colleagues. Well, I don't think they're old enough to have those white hairs, but TIme says that YOu can'T escape from Nature BUring. Haha ~~" I asked my cousin "do you find those white hairs on me?" The answer is "NO"!! then he said "idiot Lives without white hairs!" OMG ... that's the same reason for no THInking for Dreams!
X'mas! coming one week later. It's so haPPy that we'll have gIft exchange at Xmas, thanks for Veronica who is our new comer and invites all to join this WishGame. Haha, no wonder it's really a Game for me! Hay ~~" I'm troublesome again for what to prepare for the GIft?! Any ideas for it??

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X'mas ~ 小布ㄉ印象中, 就是聽 Band 跳舞 High 過午夜,

就是三五好友燒酒相伴, 胡亂瞎扯到天明! (還有, 那莫名其妙在一起 ...)


其實, 不喜歡這ㄍ節慶啦, 有啥不好ㄉ記憶 or 印象發生在這ㄍ日子ㄇ?

也沒有ㄝ, 只是一年ㄉ尾聲, 總是必須在這最後 "生出些特定ㄉ目標", 所以 "不頂喜歡ㄅ".

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至今仍不願睜眼的小布, 發現這場夢真ㄉ持續ㄌ好久好久, 卻不知道將延續至何時?! 沉睡ㄉ時間超越ㄌ小布ㄉ自我意識, 待發覺 ~ 卻總是夢裡遊蕩不願清醒 ...

從原本 "飯用力啃著, 身體邁力動著", 而今 ~ 前頭ㄉ照樣進行, 後頭ㄉ卻隱然埋沒! 這段時間裡, 小布ㄉ腦子沒啥轉動, 不知為啥需要轉動? 因著這ㄍ樣的狀況, 清醒將是件難上加難ㄉ事!

計算著該做ㄉ事, 卻總是沒神沒腦ㄉ一天晃過一天, whO knows, whaT will be?

隱隱約約, 前方展現婀娜多姿ㄉ大道, 小布卻置之不理, 硬是給它搞ㄉ焦頭爛耳! 難道, "ㄚ笨" 是小布接下來十年立志做ㄉ大事ㄇ? 該清醒時, 未清明, 得醒腦時, 裝糊塗! 人生難得糊塗時, 空把光陰虛度過!

是否, 太用力 "蹉跎 ..."?? 不要問ㄌ, 要是小布有答案, 寫ㄉ字句就不是 ~ 這些那些ㄉ莫名其妙!!

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SO so Happy to see Eiling's wedding last nite. to be a Bridesmaid, I came to her place at noon. Wow ^^ she's a very beautiful BRide.
At this Bigger sunny day, the traditional ceremony started from 3pm with all the JOy tears. So touched my MInd, when she thanks for her mother.
It's really Happy starting with TRust, LOVe, Give and Get.

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巴拉卡後ㄉ咭哩咕嚕 ...

討厭啦 ~~" 為啥火星夾克說 "看起來, 該是比小布小 ..."

不容易轉移ㄉ目標, 不容易尋找ㄉ樂趣, 就這ㄇ一句簡單ㄉ話, 轟 .... 爆!


還是很想說, 真ㄉ覺ㄉ, 覺ㄉ不該是這ㄇㄉ青春, 不是痘疤ㄉ問題, 騙人ㄉ是照片, 明明歲月刻畫出ㄉ痕跡, 沒法在照片上顯現出來, 穿著又是這ㄇ嬉皮, 所以才誤導火星夾克 (小布仍在自我催眠) ...

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LAst Nite talking with Marsian 218025 "Jacket" for 3 hrs, from Chinese new year meeting, TKmate's gone, daily lives and routine jobs, my HipHop-Jazz and her LaTin Dance, and those memories Gone with tIme ...
I'm not concerned with people that are going around me coz of no MInd staying with time. Jacket said that's coz you're not there, you just get your heart out that circle. You don't care for anyThing, But you care WhaT you catch ... it's you live!
The Life is not so LOng and so far but we start to learn - how to leave SomeThing behind! There're some reasons and new situations that you encounter, so "try to get it rid of" is GOing on and on ...

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If I could reach the stars I'd pull one down for you
Shine it on my heart so you could see the truth
That this love I have inside is everything it seems
But for now I find it's only in my dreams


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Artist: Britney Spears
Composer: Max Martin; Rami;

I need time, love, joy
I need space, love
I need me (Action)

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wow ... make difference, without Ads on the top. some integrated features are GOod, but some are hide, not easy to find OUt!! It's free that needs to be used to ... "SOmeWhere OUt there" Cute KIds version below, one of my most favorite SONg,

JUst BOok la ~~"

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好難想像走到尾聲, 是什麼樣的情況?
當下ㄉ心情是解脫, 還是帶了點ㄦ莫名悲傷? 亦或是, 過於突兀而情緒就這ㄇ "靜止" ?


總是認為個性是在出生ㄉ那當下就定型ㄉ, 這脾性雖會隨著歲月流逝, 因著環境與經歷而琢磨, 再折磨! 可 ~ 原型, 該是很難變動ㄉ.


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