布小小 ~~"

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Merry X'mas! Pizza, Cola and Secret Santa. So happy to have Gift Exchange at Plustek.
GIft, GifT, GiFt. It's Awesome! Mine is "MObile Ashtray". Haha ^^ And my Secret Santa is Milton. Probably he thinks that I love to exercise and concerns Green Global Issues, so it's the WANT what I need! It's a Warning ~ Not encourage me to SMOke. I know, I KNow, Yep, we all know it's Poison. Doesn't matter with Green Global issue.
Thanks for Veronica to invite all to join the Secret Santa. See the photos that we all enjoy, and it's really SO FUn!

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SUnny day ^^ let's count down for New Year's Coming ... WHat dreams you have for next year? that's the question I ask myself every year! BUt, it remains "BLank" in my MInd this time coz I don't know "WHat" I really wanna for the following LIves.
A couple days ago, I found that some white hairs grow on my brother's head, and then again on my colleagues. Well, I don't think they're old enough to have those white hairs, but TIme says that YOu can'T escape from Nature BUring. Haha ~~" I asked my cousin "do you find those white hairs on me?" The answer is "NO"!! then he said "idiot Lives without white hairs!" OMG ... that's the same reason for no THInking for Dreams!
X'mas! coming one week later. It's so haPPy that we'll have gIft exchange at Xmas, thanks for Veronica who is our new comer and invites all to join this WishGame. Haha, no wonder it's really a Game for me! Hay ~~" I'm troublesome again for what to prepare for the GIft?! Any ideas for it??

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SO so Happy to see Eiling's wedding last nite. to be a Bridesmaid, I came to her place at noon. Wow ^^ she's a very beautiful BRide.
At this Bigger sunny day, the traditional ceremony started from 3pm with all the JOy tears. So touched my MInd, when she thanks for her mother.
It's really Happy starting with TRust, LOVe, Give and Get.

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LAst Nite talking with Marsian 218025 "Jacket" for 3 hrs, from Chinese new year meeting, TKmate's gone, daily lives and routine jobs, my HipHop-Jazz and her LaTin Dance, and those memories Gone with tIme ...
I'm not concerned with people that are going around me coz of no MInd staying with time. Jacket said that's coz you're not there, you just get your heart out that circle. You don't care for anyThing, But you care WhaT you catch ... it's you live!
The Life is not so LOng and so far but we start to learn - how to leave SomeThing behind! There're some reasons and new situations that you encounter, so "try to get it rid of" is GOing on and on ...

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wow ... make difference, without Ads on the top. some integrated features are GOod, but some are hide, not easy to find OUt!! It's free that needs to be used to ... "SOmeWhere OUt there" Cute KIds version below, one of my most favorite SONg,

JUst BOok la ~~"

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FORget everything by dancing 3 hrs ~~" why still keep it in my Mind on my way HOme??
Nov 20, 2008 Wow ~~" Try Dance for shot?! The music is Beep (PussyCat Dolls). Haha ... How Funny our Jazz Dance it is, see! not completed, but almo...

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Need to learn how to accept the Truth no matter how suddenly it comes to us! Yep, we're not ready to know WHy it happens, BUt there's no magic to recover the Original. Time's passing by withOUt any Stop. It only says "NO return, Keep it in your deeper Mind, going down to the End".
My colleague said to me "unexpected Lives is always bursting out in seconds while you don't want & need it. well it's the real LIfe Path, whatever you thinK, there's no way to change what happened already. Take care of the people around, friends, family, lovers and so on ..."
I know, I just don't understand how come I'm so indifferent that still can feel ... Thought I'm outside the woRld, but demit, Picese fu ... Germini sense, a big controversy rooted in the BOdy and Mind tries to figue it out! NO answers ...

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You won't reply me anymore ... I would pretend you fly aboard for business. The SOng for you to go with my heart & bless ....
Singer: FanFan 作曲: 陳小霞 作詞: 姚若龍

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WISh you can find a GOod One, so dont CRy4hiM/her!
noT yours ... not a Game! if you lose mind, try to look it Back. if you're in believe of me, see the Light on the Sky.
Follow the path deeped rooted in your heart, you're still here with me and feeling about the WOrld. There's no reason for anyOne to GIve it UP, coz whAT you met is JUst the LIVe TRack. You know what I mean?! a LOvely song for you ... ^^

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"BaiJia" is totally what I've been doing this Year! Don't have the habit of shopping and social dinning outside. BUt, the person is me, spend a huge of money for one thing every time.
Always it takes some time to think to do or NOt. Once I thought it's WHat I WAnt & NeeD, next ~ JUst Do IT. That's the same as my LIves as the Decision-making around me. I'm not patient if thinking is going around & around, there's no reason for me to GIve it UP!
It's a kind of  さいみんする, to hypnotize myself into some eager state!! so ... trying to put me into the neXt step, though I don't really know what is it?!

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Swimming membership was due in the end of last month, but I've been lazy for everything except cycling. However it's rainy last weekend. That means nothing can be done with any outdoor activities. Probably you think it easy to wear raincoat and keep biking outside. But, for me, it's not a good idea to put oneself in any dangerous environment.
PLay for FUn is very wonderful, but the first is to take care of yourself, away from the accidents. I think "To be responsible for your lives is equal to respect your parents. They give birth to you in the world, whatever you do you can't hurt them.
That is the real lesson when going to walk upstream of MaAoXi in the end of April, meeting the Rock falling down during the rainy season. I was totally scared that LIve is fragile and may be disappeared in a minute. So, what kept in my mind for all the happy things is to put myself in safety FIRST!

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酷 ~~" BaLaKaㄉ下場是手痲到爆, 隔天還得跟老大拼, 跟老弟扳回氣魄, 怕啥?! 來去軋車!!
20081101 BaLaKa BiKing

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晚上回到家, 小小布玩弄著雙瞳大大張著ㄉㄚ妹 (尚未取名), 最喜歡玩ㄉ遊戲 "抱緊緊", 為啥ㄋ? 呵呵 ~~" ㄚ皮小ㄉ時候 (小小布ㄉ姪子), 這遊戲就一直讓小小布歡喜ㄉ很, 而今換ㄚ妹, 居然二週大ㄉ娃ㄦ, 就可以開始玩這遊戲啦 ^^
可別以為她不愛亂動, 四肢活動旺盛, 除ㄌ睡覺覺, 喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ, ㄚ妹是很好動活潑ㄉ, 就連該是軟軟ㄉ頸椎, 也可以給它左右轉動, 幾乎會翻身ㄉ小娃ㄦ, 尤其喜歡仰頭, 就看一隻五十公分ㄉ肉球, 頭仰四肢滑動, 所以 "抱緊緊" 很好玩ㄝ!!
JUst BOok la ~~"

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停頓二ㄍ星期多, 痴肥ㄉ下場 ~ 天ㄚ, 氣喘如牛上貓空! 老弟有潛力ㄛ, 像老姐ㄉ第一次, "七段變速" 踩踏如蝸牛般上 "救千歲" ... 是怎樣?! 同學只有 "七段小輪", 那時ㄉ轉轉轉, 心頭想著 "為啥只有七段ㄚ"? Oct 19, 2008
呵ㄏ ... 和老弟操ㄌ一趟馬場, 接續下來 ~ 整ㄍ晚上在海角七號+逗弄ㄚ妹ㄉ情形中渡過. Oct 18, 2008
那ㄍToshiba M800 Vista 搞死小小布, 為啥不說清楚要先SysBackup? 轉ㄌ趟 custome center 回復系統, 好天氣下, 士林夜市街道旁, 想著許多事 ~ NOvel 情節, 小布ㄉ生活, 下一ㄍ節點, 茫然ㄉ原由 ... Oct 17, 2008

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全都拜ㄚ妹所賜 ~ 小小布這星期只上ㄌㄧ天班 ~~" 小傢伙來到世上不過五六天, 除ㄌ肚子餓時ㄉ哇哇大哭, 醒著時就見她一雙靈活亂轉ㄉ雙瞳, 外加令人噴飯ㄉ各種表情, 真是令小小布這姑姑想來就覺ㄉ好笑 ^^ 不過, 印象最深ㄉ還是那 "聲嘶力竭ㄉ嚎啕大哭", 練肺活量也不過如此. 肚子餓餓ㄉ小傢伙, 一哭起來真ㄉ會讓人腸胃整ㄍ翻攪, 尤其在沒睡二十四小時ㄉ狀況下. 幸好, 現在母乳充沛, 小傢伙不哭啦. 呵呵 ...
JUst BOok la ~~"

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My first New Jazz Dance ~ No sweaty!! it's slow to warm up my BOdy and repeat the dance movement, ONly eight beats (1 n 2 n 3 4, 5 6 n 7 8).
為啥小小布ㄧ進去, 老師就說 "ㄟ, 練過ㄉ!" 腦袋冒出好幾ㄍ問號 "???", 回問ㄉ結果 ...
老師說ㄌ "你額頭綁布條, 一身特別黑金, 肯定練過ㄉ." 哈哈 ~~" 小小布只是玩單車, 游泳, 爬山, 慢跑!
那ㄍ後面兩項, 因著天候, 因著膝蓋, 停頓很久啦!! 再來, 游泳池經不起考驗, 這次ㄉ薔蜜瘋颱淹掉啦!!

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NEed to think WhaT's kept in the MINDs?! on PUrpose, forGEt everyTHing and everyOne and have done NOthing for one year. almostly, IT's time to run away. ~~" BUt, I'm standing here, this POInt, to see What Else be to? Let it be, let it be, and I'm gonna ... FLY ^^ not dreaming, only need MOre time.
JUst BOok la ~~"

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總在不經意下, 感受到你ㄉ不快樂! 這樣ㄉ不開心, 是份感受, 用雙眼是看不見ㄉ, 因著我倆都沒碰頭 ~~"
曾經這隻貓ㄦㄉ離去, 讓小小布掉ㄌ好幾滴淚, 可 ~ 人生就是這ㄇ來來去去, 不曾為任何人駐足停留!
曾經那隻老鼠ㄉ傷痛, 讓小小布心頭跟著犯疼, 而今 ~ 路不就是這ㄇ走下去, 悲傷總是會煙消雲散ㄉ!

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扳ㄍ指頭一算, 居然只上二天班, ㄧㄍ星期七天, 幾乎在昏睡嗜吃中渡過, 再加上瘋颱亂搞, 又多ㄌㄧ天假!!
這症狀持續很久ㄌ ~~" 無力, 卻惡搞! 大概沒人如此神經ㄅ, 但小小布卻很用力ㄉ在進行, 啥ㄚ? 就是 "癡肥"呀.
到底有多煩悶, 用呎是量不出ㄍ所以然ㄉ! 所以, 就全都投進胃腸發酵, 吸收, 茁壯!! 有何不可? 做到極點, 才能扭轉乾坤!

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這場名為 "放縱" ㄉ野宴將持續至何時?
原來, 非人哉, 無人心, 整ㄍ是在訴說這樣ㄉ "無畏"!
是冷漠? 還是心不在焉? 漂流ㄉ魂神, 何處找? 為何而尋?

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