SOmetimes feel no energy when I already plan to do THINGs; Guess it's due to the "PUsh" over there. BUt, it seems to be smOoth and fluent in the PRocess, if without any specific disire. ThereFore, try to Let everyTHing run without PurPose.
Lack of Caf矇 so Mom went to Carrefour shopping mall with ME this afternoon. then taught my nephew his homework, and sang some songs at 1st-floor house.
Wet & Rainy again after one week SunSHine. Just fewer people swimming toNIhgt. the Water is hot cos of COld weather, and that makes feel so GOod. no Plan for SunDay and slept too late. think TIme passing so fast that figure out "MidNight" coming already ...
Ps, this SmokyDog below from exCoworker, Joan. DOn't you think it's CUte?! Haha ... LOve it.
Smoke DDG
JUst BOok la ~~"
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    布小小 ^^

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