Wanna say, but can'T do! GO after the BeFore is really Stupid, however it's my hobby, such as wHat to try in daily lives. Ture is always NOthing in the MINd, coz my BRain stops working for a LOng time. That's what I'm DOing and get it already. So, anything else? Yep, still remain with Family, Friends, WORk, and ReLationShips ... be easy & simple way to go FOR.
NOse bleeding when swimming toNight. So bad that One Guy kicked my BOdy when turn around with Breast Stroke. Cow, it's really painful. WHY swimming slow but kick so HArd. Think him a FUll BaGa swimmer. Be easy and floating in the POoL, OK!! Bless no blue & black in my skin. Anyway, it's LAte, have to SleeP ...
JUst BOok la ~~"
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    布小小 ^^

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